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Free download Золотой Путь 2 APK for Android
source admin browse量 85 date 2024-05-01
  • The Golden Way 2
  • The Golden Way 2
  • The Golden Way 2
  • The Golden Way 2
Description of Золотой Путь 2

"Golden Way 2" is the continuation of the series "Golden Path", where the player must go all the way from Rurik to Vladimir in full historical chronology, here the user himself chooses the ways of economic, political and strategic development. To help the player given historical references, referring to the annals of those times.

In this version, about 200 errors were corrected, long-awaited Religions appeared, some buildings received a new appearance, and the control of troops was simplified.

The first version of the game Golden Path:

"In the process of the game will have to make complex historical decisions, the hints to which will be given from historical refeFortune Rabbit rences ... Historical inserts are generally made above all praise" - Portal Shhoza
The game was developed with the blessing of Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov).
The company Brain Softer expresses great gratitude to all those who were there, and contributed to the creation of the game.

Version history Золотой Путь 2 New in com.BrainSofter.GoldenWayRurik 1.0 In this version, about 200 errors were corrected, long-awaited Religions appeared, some buildings received a new appearance, and the control of troops was simplified. Please rate this app