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Free download HALLELUJA VR APK for Android
source admin browse量 81 date 2024-05-01
Description of HALLELUJA VR

Nice to have you here.

We wish you a lot of fun with the snowball fight in the BLACKSPACE, the Action-Game in the viral room.

You need a smartphone with gyroscope for HALLELUJA VR.
Without this sensor you can't play the game (for example Samsung A und J series).
In this case you can play HALLELUJA VR in the browser:

A few tips for the game:

* In the menu on the floor you can easily switch between the Cardboard and 360° mode.
* Tip the display and hit as many BLACKSPACE people as possible with the snowballs. You have 100 seconds.
* Watch out! The bosses protect the hall and throw back. Hit them as fast as possible, if they hit you three times the game is over.
* Game Over:Black Jack Rummy Be careful that you don’t come across the two guardians of the hall or the fun is over!

Reinvent the snowball fight.

Version history HALLELUJA VR New in Halleluja VR 1.1.2 Es wurde ein Darstellungsfehler, der bei einigen Smartphone-Modellen auftrat, behoben. Please rate this app