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Free download Fishmaking APK for Android
source admin browse量 77 date 2024-05-03
  • Fishmaking
  • Fishmaking
  • Fishmaking
  • Fishmaking
  • Fishmaking
  • Fishmaking
  • Fishmaking
Description of Fishmaking

The "Fishmaking" application allows you to create your own fish and then watch it move inside some tropical marine environments. Will you have chosen the right characteristics to make it adaptable to the habitat where you will free it?
Fishmaking is a fun application that you can download on your smartphone or tablet and that connects to a special location inside the Aquarium of Genoa: a virtual marine environment in which you can free the created fish. The environment consists of lagoon, coral reef and open sea. The heart of the application is a sort of virtual laboratory where you can create your own fish by selecting and combining a series of features. Each feature makes the fish more or less adaptable to a certain environment; once the fish is released in the chosen environment, you will receive feedback on its adaptability based on its physical characteristics.
The same laboratory is repeated on 9 touch stations along the path of the Aquarium of Genoa and can also be used by those not in possession of the application on smartphone / tablet.
Copyright: Costa Edutainment spa

Version history Fishmaking New in Fishmaking 1.36 - Registration not required. To free your fish in the Aquarium you will still nePiggy GoLDed to login to the system.
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