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Free download Bugs and frogs: feeding APK for Android
source admin browse量 83 date 2024-05-04
  • Bugs und Frösche: Fütterung
  • Bugs und Frösche: Fütterung
  • Bugs und Frösche: Fütterung
Description of Bugs and frogs: feeding

Flies have stolen all the frog?s wealth, and your main task in our new game "Bugs and frogs: feeding" will be to help our frog catch flies that stole all its coins in order to return its wealth. Click on the screen and the frog will catch flies, thereby with each caught fly it will have a coin that the Piggy GoLDfly stole. Quite an exciting gameplay in one click will give you fun and only positive impressions of our game. Try the game and help the fly bring all its wealth back.

Version history Bugs and frogs: feeding New in bu.gsandfr.ogs 1.0 Release Please rate this app